Grade 2


Based on the book " If I Had a Gryphon," we created our own animals and wrote our own books.


In Language we are just wrapping up our procedural writing unit. Students taught others something they were familiar with and were required to write a procedure based on their presentation.

We will soon be revisiting APE responses. You can help by asking questions about the books they are reading at home. Their responses should include the following information.

other concepts we've been working on include recounts, letter writing, poems and narrative.


We are currently investigating measurement in our classroom. Students are using non-standard (hands, feet, arm length) and standard units (km, m, cm) to estimate, measure and compare various distances and objects. We're beginning to connect this learning with perimeter and area.

Our learning in math also regularly revisits counting various different ways as well as solving addition and subtraction problems using 1 and 2 digit numbers. We practice mental math strategies and fact families. One game the class particularly enjoys, is playing 10's. We've come up with many different ways of counting forwards and backwards playing this game. (by 1's, 2's, 5's, etc) Ask your child about it!


We're exploring lines and colour in Art. We recently investigated the primary and secondary colours and looked at a variety of lines and their uses in art.

Social Studies:

In Social Studies, the grade 2's have been investigating and comparing various traditions and celebrations among diverse groups. We've interviewed relatives and explored our own families heritage creating a family tree and mapping our family origins.

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